domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

The impact of migration on receiving countries (Movie)

Immigration is the entry to a country of people who were born or come from elsewhere. Represents one of the two options or alternatives for the term ‘migration’, which applies to the movements of people from one place to another, and these movements involve a change of residence or temporary or permanent. People migrate for many different reasons. These reasons may be economic, social, political or related to the environment.

When people migrate to other country, it is mainly attributed to the seeking of a better quality of life, including well payed jobs, the developing of their professional orientation, to escape from a political, religious or ethnic persecution or conflict.

However, migration implies several consequences for the receiving countries. For example, migrants are often in places where there is not enough local people with the skills to make the work available. The gaps that occupy migrants are concentrated in jobs highly qualified, such as doctors or crafts, such as construction workers. This helps to support the economy. Also, the integration of migrant culture zone or country can lead to a cultural diversity in areas such as food and music.
There are several negative consequences or disadvantages too, some of them can be that often, the migrants experience racial discrimination and abuse that divides communities and increases the crime. Countries receiving migrants often have to respond to the sudden arrival of a large number of illegal migrants, many of whom have risked their lives to travel in trucks and boats.

Peace- Arab- Israeli Conflict

Peace, one of the greatest desires of humanity, through many generations , peace have been absent in many areas of the world, such as the middle east, where Arab- Israeli conflict seems to be endless. These nations are in pursuit of peace but sometimes they prefer to take revenge from their enemies than find a peace building.

The conflict between Israel and Arab nations, started since 1948, when the state of Israel were created, as a regarded territory, after the second world war and the Jewish holocaust, The United Nations gave a territory to Israel in middle east according to the historical homeland of Israel.

The Conflict between Israel and Arab nations such as Palestine, started as a conflict over competing territorial ambitions, also another cause of this conflict is the religious differences between Jewish people and Muslims, every argument of conflict between that nations are according to Jewish-Christian- Muslim beliefs such as the fight for the promise land and the chosen city of Jerusalem.

Since 1949, the situation between the Israeli state and the Arab countries has been worsening. The Arab countries have adopted discriminatory measures against their local Jewish populations, such as riots, armed conflicts and threats of invasions have been the daily bread for these countries. The United Nations are mediators of this disagreement, but the peace in these countries seems to be difficult to come, and as a consequence of it, some experts say that the Third World War will be as a result of these conflicts. United States support Israel, and some countries such as North Korea and Venezuela support the Arab Nations, so that’s a reason of why this conflict is very dangerous for the whole world.

It seems difficult to see the peace between these nations, is more possible to see a next world war than the solution of this conflicts.

Big Mike’s Life, based on the movie “The blind Side”

The Blind Side

Big Mike suffers a big change in his life, There is a before and an after, One way to know the change is making a comparison.

Big Mike before everything was young with many problems, for instance his mother was addicted to drugs, and furthermore he has many years of not seeing his family. As a result of it, he had many emotional problems, he was unmotivated and without any desires of overcome and improve in his life.

In contrast when he meets Leigh Anne and she helped him, moreover hi life change when he started to live with touny’s house, they let him know that he could become a football player because of his height and talent, and that’s how he started to improve and overcome obstacles in his life until he finally is picked on the NFL draft by the Baltimore Ravens.

We always need mentors that help us to find a way to live better, Mike needed help of advises to improve his obstacles, we need to… Otherwise is difficult to find a solution or way by only our selfs…

Agumentative Essay (Debate) – US Military Presence in Costa Rica

The Congress of Costa Rica approved the arrival of more than forty warships and seven thousand marines from United States. The purpose of this military presence is to fight the drug trafficking in our seas.
Us military presence violates our sovereignty, and disturbs our peace as a Nation without Army.

US military presence shouldn’t be in our country; according to some members of the national congress the presence of this army violates our sovereignty, also it violates the article 121 of our political constitution, also the amount of weaponry is too much for a nation so small.

By the other side some say that this military presence will help our country to fight drug trafficking also it will help our territory because the army will build some schools and help poor people, also they will fight the delinquency and their army will bring security to our nation.

Personally I think that the military presence will help our country to control and stop the drug trafficking, suddenly I think that is too much army for our country and their freedom of move will violates our sovereignty.


This well-known term referes to the process by which many regional economies, societies and cultures become integrated through a global network of communication, trade and transportation. It is also generally recognized as being driven by several factors such as economy, technology, society and culture. According to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1930 the word ‘globalization’ was first employed to denote a holistic view of human experience in education.

This process has various aspects such as industrial, economic, financial, political and of course cultural, which affect the world in several different ways for example, in the cultural aspect, the usage of Chinese characters in tattoos has become a very common practice, also food is a very classic aspect related to ‘cultural globalization’ for example, someone in the United States can be eating Japanese noodles for lunch while someone in Sydney, Australia can be eating classic Italian meatballs.
However, not all of the consequences are positive, environmental degradation and food security are two of the most influential. The Worldwatch Institute said that the booming economy of China is a planetary power shaping the global biosphere. In 2007, China overtook the United States as the world’s biggest producer of CO2.

Globalization has the following blunt diagnosis: “current globalization doesn't work” Many millions of people have noted how their situation became worst, how their jobs were destroyed and their lives become more insecure, felt increasingly more powerless to forces beyond their control and have been weakened their democracies and eroded their cultures.

Ethnic Conflicts

In many countries and many periods a person’s ethnic identity has had profound consequences for his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines is the most apparent form of ethnic conflict, and it recently has claimed lives in such diverse places throughout the world. The three most terrible ethnic conflicts have been the conflict in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and The Holocaust during World War II.

One important ethnic conflict was the Hutu and the Tutsi conflict in Rwanda. There are two major ethnic groups in this African country: the Hutu and the Tutsi. When the country was colonized by the Belgians in 1916 they claimed that the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu based on the idea that their skins were lighter and their features more European. As a result, The Hutus suffered years of repression by the Tutsi. In 1994, the Hutus took revenge. Tutsi people were slaughtered, hunted out of their homes, killed with guns or machetes and left to die on the road by unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (‘those who attack together’) and Hutu civilians were forced to murder their neighbors and children were not spared in an insane effort to wipe out the next Tutsi generation. Over 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.

Another important conflict already mentioned is the Arab-Israeli crisis, mainly attributed to the continous efforts from the so-called Arab League (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Irak) to attack Israel and to regain the stolen Arab territory. Always ending with big losses for all these Palestinian countries for example, In 1949, more than 600.000 palestinian refugees (mostly peasants) were removed from the Israeli State and established in refugee camps. In 1967, during the Six Days War, Israel considerably increased its territory which allowed them to establish a security area around their territory. Hundreds of Palestinian cities were taken, thousands of people were homeless.

There is also a very important ethnic conflict, The Holocaust, which was the bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of almost 6 million Jews by the Nazis. This German regime believed that Germans were racially superior and that the Jews were not only inferior, but a threat to the so-called German Community. During this years the Germans were also killing other groups because of their perceived racial inferiority such as Russians, Gypsies, Poles and some other other Slavic people. Other groups were persecuted and executed for their ideals and political matters among them Communists, Homosexuals, Socialists and others.

Ethnic conflicts such as in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and The Holocaust during World War II triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go through such terrors. Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations not to repeat the terrible crimes against humanity committed in different times and places.

The globalization of infectious diseases

Modern means of transportation allows people to travel around the world; they allow diseases move around the world, too. One example is AIDS/HIV. This disease has spread throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization, “On 2004, an estimated 1.039.000 to 1.185.000 people in the United States were living with AIDS/HIV, and an estimated 39.5 million people worldwide are living with HIV West Nile virus”. The first case was detected; in 1999, it spread across North America.

You can get the virus from mosquito bites. “Poison’s risk of contracting West Nile is low and less than 1%”. This virus affects the nervous system, the brain will inflame. You can also present fever, tiredness, and some rash. The current “swine flu” or H1N1 virus is another good example. Globalization has brought negative consequences such as infectious diseases. According to, there were 718 confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus in Costa Rica, and the virus has been for 24 deaths.

By, Mariela Alvarado, Christina Chaves, Benita Chen, Alexander Miranda